Keep running to the end of the road
Enjoy the most beautiful scenery
Become the best of yourself
Zhanjiang Mini Marathon was officially held at 8 o’clock on November 18, 2018. As shot rang out, more than 5,000 players started racing.

Marathon preparations are underway
Let’s run for ourselves!
Helen- CEO of Polyreflex and Becky - Sales Manager of Polyreflex also joined in this competition.The entire journey was about 10 kilometers, starting from the City Sports Center - the Zhanjiang Development Zone - Haibin Avenue - Guangzhou Bay Road - Leshan Road - People's Avenue - back to the City Sports Center.

The most difficult time - at the 7th kilometer.
They easily completed the first 5 kilometers owing to their everyday exercise. But when they arrived at the 7th kilometer, they started to feel exhausted. So they paused at the drink stop for a while. After a break, they continued the journey.

Becky's at seven kilometers
They found their bodies had adapted to the stress when completing the 1th kilometer. Noticing that they had leading many competitors, they felt super proud of themselves.Lastly, they just needed to finish the final 1 kilometers.
With their strong will and fighting spirit,they finally finished the whole journey, using one hour and 13 minutes.

Becky's at nine kilometers
They would look forward to this contest the next year and look forward to meeting different people on the road.
As Helen said: “Whether he is a leading runner or only an ordinary one, he may become the light that guides us moving forward, or accompany us all the way; whether he is a latecomer or someone who has been surpassed by us; whether he is a non-stop fighter or a runner who has to give up in middle of the journey for some reason, they are the people who deserve to be admired, because we all are together on the way, maybe fast, maybe slow, but definitely have surpassed ourselves in yesterday.”